U Bijeljini 23 oboljelih od žutice

Nakon što su u Prijedoru proteklih dana proglašene epidemije šarlaha i vodenih ospica, u Bijeljini se pojavila zarazna bolest hepatitis A - žutica.

Republika Srpska 01.02.2013 | 06:38
U Bijeljini 23 oboljelih od žutice
Nakon što su u Prijedoru proteklih dana proglašene epidemije šarlaha i vodenih ospica, u Bijeljini se pojavila zarazna bolest hepatitis A - žutica. Doktor Zoran Dakić potvrdio je novinarima da su u Higijensko- epidemiološkoj službi Doma zdravlja evidentirana do sada 23 slučaja oboljenja od ove bolesti. Po njegovim riječima, više od 60 posto oboljelih ima više od 35 godina, a tek 20 posto je uzrasta do 15 godina. Na liječenju u bolnici zadržano je 16 pacijenta, dok su ostali upućeni na kućno liječenje, jer bolest, ukoliko se na vrijeme otkrije, nije opasna po život. Hepatitis A (epidemični hepatitis, zarazna žutica) je akutna upalna bolest jetre uzrokovana malim RNK virusom koji se prenosi fekalno-oralnim putem. Riječ je o zaraznoj bolesti koja se može javiti sporadično ili, posebno u uvjetima pogoršanja sanitarnih prilika, nakon poplava i drugih prirodnih katastrofa te epidemijskih pojava. U prenošenju virusa hepatitisa A osnovnu ulogu ima feko-oralni put prijenosa pa se stoga i zove bolest "prljavih ruku", ukazuju ljekari. Pojava virusa zavisi o sanitarnom stanju okoline, higijenskim navikama i veličini grupa u bliskom kontaktu (npr. vrtići, škole, porodice i slično). Za razliku od zemalja nižeg higijenskog standarda, hepatitis A se u razvijenim zemljama, poboljšanjem socio-ekonomskih uvjeta života javlja u kasnijoj životnoj dobi. Bolest se može prenijeti i zagađenom vodom. Tada se hepatitis obično javlja u obliku masovnih epidemija eksplozivnog karaktera, a zahvaćene su sve  dobi. Hepatitis A virus može se širiti i zagađenom hranom. Inkubacija tj. vrijeme koje prođe od ulaska virusa u organizam do pojave prvih simptoma bolesti, traje dvije do četiri sedmice, a simptomi bolesti su: temperatura, bolovi u mišićima i zglobovima, mučnina i povraćanje, a ponekad i proliv.    

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14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!



14.03.2013 23:00

How about a great program on how to get your e-mail ancuoct under control? Here's my web site: emailsanityexpert.comMy publisher will be releasing my national book on the topic, Taming the E-mail Beast, later this spring, and I have already been a featured keynote and breakout speaker at many regional and national conferences, with numerous REPEAT engagements. Worth a look!